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Washington, DC | April 16, 2024
To raise awareness for protecting old growth forests, drag queen and environmental advocate Pattie Gonia, held a press conference and met with members of Congress, along with representatives from Earthjustice and Oregon Wild, while in D.C. Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden had a moment to pop in for a meeting before rushing back to the floor for a vote on Tuesday. (photo by Melissa Lyttle for Earthjustice)
To raise awareness for protecting old growth forests, drag queen and environmental advocate Pattie Gonia, held a press conference and met with members of Congress, along with representatives from Earthjustice and Oregon Wild, while in D.C. Tuesday, April 16, 2024. Oregon Senator Ron Wyden had a moment to pop in for a meeting before rushing back to the floor for a vote on Tuesday. (photo by Melissa Lyttle for Earthjustice)